Professor Nira Chamberlain OBE was the highest entrant in the 2018 PowerList in at Number 5. Hence, has holds the title as the 5th Most Influential Black Person in the UK. This is the first time a mathematician has made into the Top 100 Britain’s most influential people of African and African-Caribbean Heritage.
Prof. Chamberlain is also listed by the Science Council as ‘one of the UK’s top 100 Scientist’. Furthermore in 2015, Nira became the first Black mathematician to join the exclusive list of distinguish living British mathematicians who feature in the biographical reference book Who’s Who.
In 2017, Prof. Chamberlain became one of the Vice-Presidents of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications.

Nira has been described by Loughborough University as one of its Greatest Scientific Minds (Alumni magazine Issue 29 summer 2014 Page 8). He is a Chartered Scientist, Chartered Mathematician, as well as a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA). Furthermore, Nira Chamberlain is one of the few British Mathematicians to feature in the Encyclopedia of Mathematics & Society. The encyclopedia highlights two of Nira’s mathematical models and their impact on the field of naval engineering.
Nira has over 20 years of experience at writing mathematical models/simulation algorithms that solve complex industrial problems. Nira Chamberlain developed mathematical solutions within industries such as the defence, aerospace, automotive and energy sectors. This has included periods in France, the Netherlands, Germany and Israel. During his career he has chaired and organized a mini-symposium at an international mathematical modelling conference.
Nira was selected as one of the BBC’s Expert Voices as well as this is one of the speakers for the Charity Speakers for Schools.
Nira’s recommendation to any aspiring mathematician is that “You don’t need anybody’s permission to be a great mathematician!”